Dr. Pike uses all natural health methods such as exercise, nutrition, diet and life styles modifications to promote wellness.
Chiropractic care is a natural method of healing, with the use of spinal corrections, called an adjustment which are nonsurgical, non-invasive treatments.
An adjustment is designed to reduce your level of neck, back, extremity and/or joint pains and dysfunction, so that you can return to your normal activities of your daily life as quickly as possible.
Conditions include:
- Allergies
- Carpal Tunnel
- Children’s Health
- Digestive problems
- Disc injuries
- Headache & Migraines
- Joint, posture and muscle problems
- Menstrual pains
- Pinched Nerves
- PMS & Pregnancy
- Sciatica
- Spine & Neck problems
- Sports injuries
- Whiplash
- Vertigo
We accept most insurances.